One Master and Twelve Teachers on the Path of Cultivation


A Master and Twelve Teachers on the Path of Cultivation This way of thinking should be like writing a thesis, having a guiding professor, while other subject professors impart different knowledge and learning methods.

The Process of Cultivation: Are Deities Here to Visit or to Test Us?


Is the process of cultivation about encountering deities and Buddhas, or is it a test? We often hear people who have been practicing for a while say that they have seen deities or Buddhas manifest, either to teach them, to … (Continue Reading)

The Lower Yuan Festival – Emperor of Water – Lunar Calendar October 15


Congratulations on the birthday of the Water God, Emperor of the Lower Yuan Sincere devotion and reverence In the Cave of Yanggu, within the Qingling Palace, under the jurisdiction of Forty-two Departments, accompanied by countless beings. He oversees matters concerning … (Continue Reading)