“Being flexible is the most error-prone way of doing things.”


Spiritual communication is inherently the most error-prone mode of operation. In the practices of spirit mediums and spiritual cultivation, spiritual communication is the most commonly possessed ability. However, because of this, many people overlook the essence of spiritual communication, such … (Continue Reading)

The Process of Cultivation: Are Deities Here to Visit or to Test Us?


Is the process of cultivation about encountering deities and Buddhas, or is it a test? We often hear people who have been practicing for a while say that they have seen deities or Buddhas manifest, either to teach them, to … (Continue Reading)

Is Bad Luck Really Caused by Karma?


Unfavorable Fortune is Truly Created by Karma Most people, when they feel that their fortune is not going well or encounter sudden serious situations, will seek divine help and consult oracles. In their state of panic and confusion, they rush … (Continue Reading)