The Body Contemplation
People in the world are closely connected to their bodies,
and the body has almost become the central axis of existence.
Everything and everyone revolves around it—
concerning its birth, its aging, its sickness, its death, its sense of security and fears…
This forms the industrial chain of this world.
If there were no excessive focus on the body,
the world would be a different place.
As ordinary people, it is understandable to pay attention to and even obsess over the body,
because that is all they know how to do;
they have not discovered other paths and possibilities.
However, for practitioners, it is different,
because the first step in practice is to detach from identification with the body and excessive fear and worry about it.
To ordinary people, the body brings worry, fear, and a lack of freedom,
so we must detach from our dependence on the body as well as that fear and lack of freedom.
Therefore, practitioners must first cultivate body contemplation.
What should we contemplate about the body?
First, we must contemplate that the body is not just a body;
second, we must contemplate that this body is not my body;
third, we must contemplate that the body is merely a nominal body;
fourth, we must respect and care for the body but not be controlled or intimidated by it.
Practitioners need to recognize the true nature of the body,
and practice not worrying about bodily matters.
Not worrying about bodily matters does not mean ignoring them;
rather, if hungry, feed it; if sleepy, let it sleep; if cold, add clothing; if tired, let it rest;
if sick, take it to see a doctor or give it medicine… just stop there.
Worrying about life and death of the body, worrying about what comes next for the body,
worrying about a thousand and one issues concerning the body
are all delusions—thoughts without real cause that will not bear genuine fruit.
As practitioners realize this point and put an end to such thoughts,
do not let your heart become more lost through attachment to bodily existence.
If you are completely awake in your heart you will know,
that the body has never caused humanity any difficulties or suffering;
all difficulties and suffering are created by a confused mind for itself—
yet this mind blames those causes on the body,
making it a scapegoat for confusion; how unjust!
Prove to your body its innocence.
Let your body return to itself or even transcend itself;
let your deluded mind further reveal its absurdity, folly, and lies;
let us be free from our bodies as well as from our confused minds.
This is ultimately what practice entails—the final topic and task.
To achieve this ultimate topic and task,
start with understanding your own physical being as an entry point towards achieving freedom of heart.
Freeing your heart from misconceptions about your physical existence
as well as deeply ingrained attachments leads to freedom—
come now,
delve into an accurate understanding of your own being while practicing non-attachment towards bodily matters!
by – Taiwan Fearless Tathagata Great Perfection Zen Center